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Antica Gelateria di Roma - Traditional Italian ice cream
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Antica Gelateria di Roma - Traditional Italian ice cream

The peak of pleasure.

Main ingredient in fresh milk, Our Traditional Italian ice - cream, with its unique taste, is produced in our store, following the original Sicilian recipe (Sicily the birthplace of ice-cream) in 1870. This recipe was saved over the years by the multi - prized "Gelateria Tassi" of Rome, that was later inherited by Marcello (the master of ice - cream). It is a light and tasty sort of nourishment, with no preservatives nor artificial colours, and it only contains natural ingredients (such as fresh milk, eggs, fruit and sugar). It is rich in proteins and vitamins (vit A,D,C,E, B1, B2, B6, B12, calcium, iron, phosphorus) and is suggested for a balanced diet children, athletes, pregnant women, and the elderly for a year round.

Il nostro Gelato Artigianale, unico e dal gusto inconfondibile, è prodotto secondo I' antica e segreta ricetta siciliana che risale al 1870 della Premiata Gelateria Tassi di Roma. E' un alimento leggero e digeribile, non contiene conservanti ne' coloranti ma solo ingredienti pregiati (latte fresco, uova frutta, zucchero), e' pertanto particolarmente consigliato, dato I' altro contenuto proteico e 'vitaminico (Calcio. Ferro, Fosforo. Vitamine, A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12), nell' alimentazione dei bambini, sportivi, anziani, convalescenti, in ogni periodo dell’ anno.

Wir verfügen über das einzigartige, Tradicionell Italienische Eis welches wir selber nach einem alten Rezept aus der Geburtsstälte des Eises, Sizilien herstellen. Die mehrfach ausgezeichnete Gelateria Tassi aus Rom hat dieses Rezept aufbewahrt und an den Meister des Eises Marcello weitergegeben. Es ist ein Leichtes und wohlbekömmliches Nahrungsmittel, beinhalten weder Farb-noch Konservierungsstoffe sondern nur natürliche Produkte (frische milch, Eier, Obst, Zucker), Es ist reich an Einweise und Vitaminen (Vit. A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Gallium Eisen, Phosphor) und ist geeignet zur Ernährung von Kindern Sportlern Schwangeren und alteren Menschen während des ganzen Jahres.

Company information

Address: 3, Farmakopoulou str.& Komninou str, Nafplio
Phone: +30 2752023520
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook: Antica Gelateria Di Roma

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